Herunder er der billeder jeg tog da Kaptajn Volkov og Kosmonaut Andreas Mogensen var på besøg hos DTU-SPACE for at afsløre en buste af Juri Gagarin, som ikke var den første russer i rummet, men den første som rejste jorden rundt i de ydre sfærer, selv om det kun var en gang og ganske få lange minutter. Mine foredrag indeholder en del mere historie og disse herrer, men historien om busten af Juri Gagarin er, at jeg fik en henvendelse fra Kaptajn Andrej Stroganov, det er ham som står yderst til vestre i det smalle billede, om ikke jeg kunne kontakte DTU space, da jeg nu arbejdede på DTU, og om de ville have denne buste stående. Så gik der både universitet og politik i sagen, for der kom en større fest ud af dette, Andreas og Volkov samt ambassade og ministre kom rendende og fik en stor sten sat under Juri og institutdirektøren holdt tale med flere, jeg fik vist en sodavand. Billedet af lynet set udefra jordens atmosfære er det som optog Andreas på hans lille tur på stationen. Andreas Mogensen er et ikonisk forbillede for danskerne og Danmark og ikke mindst for de tekniske videnskaber. Jeg glæder mig til at Danmark støtter op om Andreas og hans videre aktiviteter og hjælp til forskningen i det det ydre rum. På rundturen i museet finder vi også spor efter Soyuz forløbere bl.a. Wostok og dette systems fordele og bagdele i en verden, hvor USSR var førende i over 10 år på spaceflights og raketudvikling.


Andreas Mogensen er dags dato den 12-08-2023 gået i karantæne da han skal op med Space X og flyve i Dragon på mission kaldet Huginn. Vi venter på det eksakte tidspunkt for opsendelsen og her på siden kommer den løbende informationer og manden og opgaven samt teknikker.

ESA Astronaut Andreas Mogensen will fly to the International Space Station for his second mission called Huginn, in late summer of 2023. It will be a mission of firsts for both Andreas and ESA. SpaceX Crew-7, Huginn mission patch, 2023. The Huginn mission name, chosen by Andreas, originates in Norse mythology with Huginn and Muninn – the two raven accomplices of the god Odin. The two ravens symbolise the human mind, with Huginn representing thought and Muninn, memory. Norse mythology tells that tale of two ravens who flew into the world every morning and gathered information from the farthest corners of the world to bring back news to Odin. “Huginn is a great name that represents my mission, going to the International Space Station to gather knowledge through science and talk about what I find,” says Andreas. The mission patch shows the raven Huginn with the silhouette of Denmark on its wing and a white line leading from Copenhagen, Denmark, the birthplace of Andreas, to the International Space Station. The red and white colours of the mission patch are inspired by the Danish flag.

Piloting the Dragon

Andreas will be the pilot in the SpaceX Crew Dragon and become the first European to take that role. He will be sitting next to Crew-7’s commander and NASA astronaut Jasmin Moghbeli. Andreas will be responsible for the spacecraft’s performance and systems, like a co-pilot on an airplane. The Crew Dragon launches and docks automatically with the Space Station, but Andreas and Jasmin can take over control of the spacecraft if necessary.

Andreas will be the fourth ESA astronaut to fly under NASA’s commercial crew programme, following Thomas Pesquet, Matthias Maurer and Samantha Cristoforetti. The Crew Dragon will dock to the International Space Station, marking the start of Andreas’s half-year stay on the Space Station

A long-duration mission filled with science
Andreas Mogensen Robotic arm training
Andreas Mogensen Robotic arm training

On his first mission ‘iriss’ in 2015, Andreas stayed on the Space Station for 10 days. He slept inside the Columbus module and worked close to 10 hours each day to maximise his time in orbit.

Huginn will be Andreas’s first long-duration mission to the International Space Station, where he will work and live for half a year as part of Expeditions 69 and 70. He will conduct over 30 European experiments during the Huginn mission. The experiments are divided into three pillars: climatehealthand space for Earth.

The climate experiments vary from water filtration to understanding thunder phenomena, where Andreas will take images of thunder clouds from the Cupola module on the Space Station.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle during a long-duration mission to space is vital. Andreas will run several experiments to better understand how astronauts sleep in space and how to support astronauts’ mental health with virtual reality videos of calming environments.

Science in space delivers solutions for problems in our daily lives on Earth. During the Huginn mission, Andreas will monitor 3D-printing metal objects on the Space Station with an ESA printer and will control a group of robots on Earth from the European Columbus module.

For more details on the Huginn mission, follow Andreas on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and on ESA social media channels.